  • Visit Us: 263 St Albans Road, Watford WD24 5BJ
  • Call Us: 01923 549 089
  • Email Us: info@westhertsabc.com



Please read - updated regularly




Please note all members/gym users are requested to bring their own equipment which may include gloves, skipping rope, towel and any other boxing items required for your training sessions. We are closely following government guidelines, and we will amend our procedures in line with any changes to regulations.

Please do not come to the club if you feel unwell and let us know if you or anyone in your household develop Covid-19 symptoms. We urge each user to adhere to this notice, including Grassroot sessions for children.

For more information please contact us or visit our COVID-19 page.


Grassroots and Juniors’ classes will be run during term time only. Please email info@westhertsabc.com for pricing and further details.


Please note, Parking restrictions do not apply on nearby roads namely The Harebreaks, Saint Georges Road, Judge Street and all roads which are close by to West Herts ABC.

We will ask all users to be considerate for local residents and not to block any driveways or private parking.

Please where appropriate and where possible for all nearby users, you can leave cars parked at home and use other means to come for your sessions i.e. cycle, walk, or jog.

Remember the more you put in the more you get out! a nice walk or jog to the start of your session can count as your warm up.


West Herts ABC and Educational Support will endeavor to help all those who are financially struggling, on low income or any means tested benefit

West Herts ABC and educational support alongside Watford Borough Council and Watford community housing trust with all external partnership agencies want to help the community and champion diversity. We will be working via a referral route with our partners and external agencies. We will subsidize costs for individuals who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and are on low income, family tax credits, job seekers allowance. In any case if you are in receipt of means tested benefit we will provide you support.

Please note West Herts ABC and educational support are working in conjunction with Herts Fitness Group. West Herts ABC and educational support are directly involved in junior/senior amateur boxing as a sport for good and can only provide subsidized support in these areas.

For further information please contact Info@westhertsabc.com or visit Our Community page.

Pay Monthly Members – Payments

West Herts ABC and Educational Support will give a five day grace period for all monthly fees to be paid. Monthly membership must be paid by the 5th of every month. If this is not set and payment is not received then the member will lose their place resulting in loss of membership annual fee and subsequently the place will be offered to next in line from the waiting list for that particular session. If you are facing financial difficulty or any medical condition that may come about then you must notify us by way of email as soon as possible on info@westhertsabc.com.


To view all our frequently asked questions please visit our FAQs page.